- magic_quotes_gpc = off
- memory_limit = 512M -
- max_execution_time = 300
- max_input_time = 300
- upload_max_filesize = 20M
- post_max_size = 20M
- max_input_vars = 10000
- allow_url_fopen = on
- safe_mode = off
- cURL = installed
- mod_rewrite = installed and activated
- mod_security = off
- LINUX servers (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)
- cageFS or other FIREWALL deactivated, or if activated well configured to don't block Prestashop external services.
- php 5.6.x + php-fpm + opcache (optimized - see below)
- mySQL 5.5+
EDIT: As on latest PS versions over 1.6.11 Prestashop is forcing symfony for a better compliance on upgrades to PS 1.7. you should use php versions OVER 5.6.30 (best 7.0 or 7.1) and mySQL 5.7 or mariaDB 10 onwards.
opcache.validate_timestamps=0 (comment this out in your dev environment)
In addition, it is important to have automatic permissions to create / change / delete folders and files (mod suExec / suPHP). Thus take care that all internal scripts and users (from inside the server) will have full access to folders and files automatically, while external accesses have read-only access, without the need to change these parameters manually.
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